Thursday, April 2, 2009

I heart ETSY!

While looking for a cool new bag for my laptop-I came across this shop on etsy.  I am in LOVE with their fabrics and bags!  I figure once my business gets going I'm going to have my MacBook attached to my hip--so I might as well look stylish while I'm carrying it everywhere!

I had narrowed it down to these two, but I went with the top one.  I really love the bottom design, but I didn't want it to be quite so 'loud'.  

Check out the shop if you're in the market for a cool bag.  Oh Etsy-you haven't failed me yet!!


Mara (The Wedding Cabaret) said...

great finds!

My Home - My Life said...

Love the 1st bag!!

Rachel Elizabeth said...

I've been looking around the shop and I love everything she has. When I buy my new laptop I am going to buy one for sure.

Modelmental said...

You've made my day! Husb just passed on his Macbook Pro to me (he got an Air, lucky boy) so I'm desperately looking for a stylish bag! Thanks for the tip...